Bek turned 16 months old on Sunday and has officially been home five weeks. To say that we feel blessed is a ridiculous understatement. He is just the most amazing kiddo. He is fun, loving, and has the best personality. We love him so much! He continues to be an amazing eater and sleeper and keeps us crazy busy chasing after him wherever we go. He gained a tooth this month so he now has four. We have commented recently that this has been the easiest transition of all three kids, which is certainly opposite of what we expected!
He is getting faster and I'm wondering if he's going to take up running like this "Bek", Kenenisa Bekele, who won the bronze medal for the 10000m in the Olympics just a couple of days ago. {Go, Ethiopia!!}

One of the things that has amazed me is how many English words this 16 month old {who has only been in America for a month} is saying. Here is the laundry list of B's current words:
Ni-Ni {night-night}
Bye bye
Hi {he "sings" this one!}
Gone {accompanied by the "All Gone" sign}
Please {PEEES}
Cheese {for the camera}
Thank you
Ka-ka {thank you, Camden, for teaching him this one!}
Muse {his buddy from Ethiopia, sounds like "Bu-fay"}
In addition to signing "All Gone", he also signs "More", which we taught him because he was SCREAMING when he wanted something.
This is MUCH cuter!
We are hopeful that this month is as wonderful as the last one has been; we are so in awe of Christ and His mercy and grace in bringing us this child that so perfectly fits into our family. :)
P.S. Thanks for jumping over here to the new blog. There is still much work to be done on it...we'll get there slowly but surely! Be sure to "follow" us over here and a BIG THANKS to my friend, Amanda, for helping me with the design of the new blog!
It is so cute how his Thank you's are kisses. Adorable third child you have there :D