As you know if you have been following our blog, Trevor and I are in the paperwork stages of what will likely be a quite lengthy and expensive adoption. However, we fully believe that we are fullfilling the next step for our family and we know that God is in contol of both the timing and finances of our adoption. We want to be faithful in both of these areas and are seeking Him daily (well, constantly, really) to keep us in check.
Since the financial aspect is truly unfathomable to us, we are doing a few things to work towards offsetting some of our costs. Thankfully, we have had some AMAZING people step in to do some fundraising on our behalf...I cannot offer enough "THANK YOUs" to express how much we appreciate this! (To learn more about these opportunities, click here and here.)
This post, though, is about something that I am making to sell to raise money for our process. I read about these shoes on one of my favorite crafty blogs and fell. in. love. with them!!! They were just decorative and feminine and beautiful. Then, I got to thinking, how fun would they be to make and sell? I made my first pair for my niece for her 4th birthday and immediately got my first order of two pairs from my niece's cousins. :) This was the confirmation that I needed that they really were as cute as I thought they were.
So, without further ado, bling shoes:

I had decided I was going to call the "business" 3,000 Pairs since that is how many I would have to sell to fund our entire adoption. (This is very tongue-in-cheek, friends...I know I will not be selling 3,000 actual pairs!) However, I am numbering each pair so you will know how close your pair put us toward our financial goal. :)
We are big Missouri Tiger fans around here, so I made these for my sister's foster daughter.
I've had a couple of orders, but this last weekend was the biggest so far!

So, here's how this works. You E-mail me at Let me know your name, shoe size, team name, colors, and mascot. Each pair costs $30 (plus shipping) which includes shoes, bling, glitter logo, and ribbon laces. You can either pay using the paypal donate button on my blog page or send me a check (I will wait for check clearance before I make the shoes). Please allow 2 weeks for me to make them.
Oh, yeah...and my lovely assistant and I will make a custom gift bag for each pair, so these make ideal gifts! (Christmas, anyone?!)
Hey friend....super cute! I posted your link on The Home of God's Love FB page! Hopefully next year I will be ordering a pair of Michigan ones! So you better keep making them :)
ReplyDeleteLove you!
So cute!! Praying for you guys and your fundraising efforts!