Ok, so, you've seen those discount cards before, right? Usually, they have like three neat little rows of five little squares to fit fifteen little businesses on their precious little personalized cards. I am NOT making fun of these cards, BTW...I LOVE them. BUT, I love this even more.
Introducing: **insert drumroll here** The VIP discount card
Here's how it works:
- Click on this link and select your location to see the discounts in your area (this card works in approximately 30 states!).
- Decide that you LOVE it as much as we do and E-mail us at jnchase311@yahoo.com or leave a comment below to let us know that you want to order one.
- In your E-mail or comment, let us know if you want us to drop your card in the mail or meet up with you and if you'll be paying by cash, check, or Paypal on our blog.
How much?
Here is the great part!! These cards will cost you $20 and $10 goes directly into our adoption fund!
What's our goal?
If we sell 360 of these bad boys, we will have our next big financial hurdle taken care of...the dossier fee. I truly believe that with your help (and LOTS of prayer), this is definitely a possibility!! :)
Oh, yeah, and for you "ap" people, download the free ap and you can see and map all the businesses that way! Yea, technology!!
That's it...nothing more, nothing less!! Please let us know where to meet you with yours and please let all your friends and family know!! :)
Trev and Jen