Yep, you read right...we received our phone call from CHI letting us know that our application to adopt from Ethiopia is approved! YEA!! This call actually came sooner than we expected and it was music to our ears. Each little baby step gets us closer to Ethiopia!
I have to be honest, though...along with our excitement is a minor amount of sheer panic about how in the world we are going to pay for this! So, here is fundraiser #1:

The AMAZING ladies at
http://www.worthyoftheprize.blogspot.com/ have this amazing ministry and they are sponsoring us to help us get moving on the financial aspect of our adoption journey. If you don't know about their ministry, click on that link and follow them! They are so gracious and generous and are taking several of us families under their wings. There are three ways to help us out and get some really awesome (and inexpensive...right up my alley!) stuff. Here is how it works...
1. Click on the link below and go to their website. Select what you want and E-mail my friend, Mary Jo, at
scottandmjsmith@gmail.com. Let her know what you want and I will get it and deliver it to you!! By doing it this way, I can save you shipping! If you live further and still want to help out this way, you can order directly from their website...just be sure to designate that you want the proceeds to go to our family. Here's what we get from your order...50% of the proceeds from every fit band (roughly $5), lanyard (rougly $5) and half loop (roughly $4ish) with the "Chosen Child" fabric as shown below. See how awesome they are?! They are barely covering their costs!!

2. Order one of these super cute shirts (where did they find such cute kids to model these?!). Again, just E-mail Mary Jo at scottandmjsmith@gmail.com, let her know the quantity, size, color, and style (large applique/small applique), along with the country or continent you want (if you don't know, pick Africa! ;)) and she will deliver those to you either by shipping them or through me if you live close. We also get $5 per shirt on these! They are $20 for adult sizes and $15 for child sizes. P.S. This is an "insider" deal...they haven't even released these shirts yet!

3. Order one of these adorable necklaces from Cap Creations. They just happen to be on sale right now and we get $10 per order (just be sure to specify us from the drop-down menu). I love that this necklace represents the chosen child, but also that it represents that each of us is chosen by Christ to be His son or daughter! In addition, she will donate 10% of anything else you purchase from her on-line store if you mention our names! If everyone we know bought some of this jewelry for the most special woman or girl in their lives, we'd have our adoption fully funded!
Please send this to any and all of your friends/family members...especially those with a heart for orphans or for Africa (and those with a lot of money to give! ;)).
In all seriousness, we know that God is going to provide financially for our adoption and we find rest in Him that it will happen in His timing. We are thankful for all of you for supporting us whether it is financially or prayerfully.
Much love,
The Chases
I just ordered 2 of the chosen necklaces! I can't wait to get them! What a wonderful fundraiser! I plan on ordering some bands and shirts as well. God bless you on your journey!