Our sweet baby girl turned 5 on January 29th. Even though that was a couple of weeks ago, I'm a new blogger (as you know), so I thought I should do a retroactive post to talk about how we celebrated! Her birthday was on a Friday and so I planned to take the day off. But, when we
woke up that morning, there was a beautiful blanket of snow and it continued to accumulate throughout the day. It reminded me so much of the day that she was born and of our wedding day, which made for a pretty awesome memory! Since it was snowy, everyone got the day off for her birthday! We started with our newest birthday tradition, the birthday waffle, complete with five pink candles.

We had planned to get her 5 year old pictures taken with Becca from Journeys with Barefeet, so we started at 10:30 in Webb City and two hours later, we were done! Her pics can be seen at http://journeyswithbarefeet.com/; scroll down to Miss Melia and type in chase. They are too cute! Here is the shoot on Becca's blog: http://journeyswithbarefeet.blogspot.com/2010/02/little-miss-melia.html
That evening, we went with my parents (Nana and Papa), my sister, and Trevor's parents (Granny and Poppy) to Logan's. This is Melia's new favorite restaurant; she's such a clean freak, but the idea that she has permission to throw peanut shells on the floor is still appealing. :)
The next day was her Princess Tea Party/Brunch. We had 16 little princesses and their Mommies (and some Daddies! :)) over for her birthday party in the morning. They were all so cute! We transformed our dining room into a tulle tent, ate cupcakes, donuts, pop tarts, and breakfast casserole, opened presents, and played Princess Bingo. (I just made this in MS Word...if you want it to print your own, E-mail me and I'll send it to you!)

We wrapped up her birthday festivities on Monday (yes, it was more like a birth-weekend!) at her pre-school. We brought cupcakes and milk for everyone in her class. They sang Happy Birthday and she said the prayer for their snacks.

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