What a fun weekend! We started out Friday evening by having our friends', the Petersons, kiddos over so that they could go out for V-day. We exchange date nights with them, so it was our turn to watch them...actually, my turn...Trev was coaching his last game of the season, so it was just me and the 5 kids. Sticking with the theme of the weekend, we made heart-shaped tortilla pizzas that the kids topped themselves (this added an extra element of messiness, but the bonus fun was totally worth it!). They played and played and then we vegged out and watched Madagascar 2, a classic around here. We had tons of fun as we always do with those 3...love them!!

Yesterday, we slept in *YEA* and then I got out of the house for a little while to get some shopping done, including a trip to my FAV store, Hob Lob. It is dangerous for me to go in there by myself, like an abyss of lovely things, all calling out for me to buy them and make something wonderful...ahh. Anyway, I picked up some $.49 flip flops and ribbon to decorate and hopefully sell to make some money towards the adoption process (more on that later). I also bought material for a bag for Miss Aubrey's birthday (of the Peterson Clan as mentioned above) and material for a large project for my nephew's 1st birthday next month. Can't post much about that one just in case my SIL makes a stop by here...I want it to be a surprise! And some material for who knows what, just because it was so cute and in the bargain bin and I thought I needed it. Then, yesterday evening, hubs and I went out for dinner at a new place and we were TOTALLY disappointed! GAG! Honestly, the best part of the dinner was the hot fudge sundae from McD's afterword. What a bummer! But, the kids had an amazing time at the circus with their Nana and Papa, so, again, we'll live vicariously through our children...at least they had a good time!
Today we started by giving the kids their Valentines (handmade card, balloons, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs DVD,
headbands for Sis and a Zhu Zhu pet for Bub) and then on to an awesome service at church (as always!), then home for lunch, and then small group at our house.
Both sets of parents stopped by to wish the kids (and us) Happy V-Day. So, we got to see/hang out with lots of people that we love on Valentine's Day. :)

**Side note: Notice M and C's shirts that I made using the freezer paper stencil technique shown here: http://www.neitherhipnorfunky.com/?p=106 and here: http://www.craftster.org/blog/?p=94. I also used it on Melia's "5" shirt in my last post and several others I've done for both kiddos. It's my absolute favorite technique and I am hoping to try it on some curtains sometime in the near future (ok, probably this summer!).
Also, did you know today is Chinese New Year? I've never really given it a thought before, but knowing that the biological mother of our next baby is probably celebrating today gives it a whole new meaning...I'm praying for her this evening!
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