Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Best Friend I've Never Met

I've mentioned before that one of the really amazing things on this adoption journey has been how God has placed the right people in the right places at the right time to help us through. Many people have texted, facebooked, or E-mailed encouraging words at exactly the right time.  Some have simply asked us how things are going or have agreed to pray for us or have prayed for us right on the spot when they see us struggling. 

Some people have financially or prayerfully supported us and we've never even met them.

This adoption has provided us a rich community of believers who don't really care that they've never met us, they simply share our hearts for orphans and they genuinely want to see us have a successful adoption.  What a blessing!!

And then there are some that we know God specifically and intentionally placed in our lives to experience this journey alongside us.

Emily and Jim Hapner are one such couple.  Seventeen months ago, the Hapners embarked on a journey to adopt their first child, a little boy from Ethiopia.  We "met" while we were both paperchasing and have experienced each stage of the journey together.  Emily and I have spent countless hours rejoicing, crying, laughing, diffusing, processing, and sharing via facebook, E-mail, texting, and good, old-fashioned phone calls.  {All this while I'm in Missouri and she's in North Carolina!}

Currently, we are both waiting to meet our sons in Ethiopia and I am so hopeful that God will see it fit to allow us to meet on the other side of the globe.  But, while we still wait for our court dates, that pesky matter of finances still has to be addressed.  There are many organizations that have hearts for orphans and help families by raising money for them.

Give1Save1 is an organization that features families and encourages people to donate what they can to help support the family's adoption.  The Hapners are the featured family of the week.  Will you consider blessing them financially to help them bring home their sweet little man?
  • Click here for more information on helping the Hapners.
  • Click here to watch their adoption video {don't forget the kleenex!}.
  • Click here to donate to their adoption.
  • Click here for more information on Give1Save1.





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