This October has been a little less hectic for us than years past in terms of busyness on the weekends. Part of this is purposeful...with three kiddos, we HAVE to take a day or two each week and catch our breath. Additionally, after a full-throttle entrance back into the working world, I realized that not enough time and effort was being put into our little guy and ensuring that his connection to us was remaining secure. Don't get me wrong...things are going great! I just don't want to look back in a year and wonder what we should have done differently to ensure his secure attachment.
I also have to give some serious props to my awesome hubby! His job is quite demanding and he works a lot of hours, but he has been so amazing to recognize when I need him and to make our family his priority. Case in point, Bek hates going to Camden's swim team practice...I mean HATES it. He pretty much screams and cries the full 45 minutes when he has to go. SO, Trev has made a huge effort to be home in time to stay with Bek and Melia, which makes our night 100% more smooth. Amazing. {Sorry, ladies, he's taken! ;) }
Well, this weekend, Trev had an opportunity to go camping with a couple of his buddies, so I decided to really single-mom it up. Oh, friends...I am not made for it. To those of you who do it on a daily basis, you have my utmost admiration...single parenting is not for the faint of heart! It was a good day, but I am EXHAUSTED and ready for bed and it's only 8:30. :) I
was able to take some great Fall pictures of us with the friends and cousins that we got to hang out with today and wanted to post them for you to enjoy...
Maple Leaf Parade
Bek and his cousin, Bree, sharing a snack at the parade |
Melia and her cousin, Karissa who got to spend the whole day with us! :) |
Protective of her cousin |
My kids are so blessed to have LOTS of cousins and friends! |
Those faces! |
Pumpkin Patch
In the "Corn Crib" |
This is how he watched most of the festivities |
Just a few of the kids in our Inter Country Adopt Joplin blessed to have so many people with a love for adoption in our lives.:) |
Sweet cousins with amazing glad God allowed them both to be "grafted in" to our blessed! |
My sister, Lindsey, and three of her them! |
Bek and his friend, Maleeya {discussing the sandwich, perhaps?} |
Hayride |
One sleepy baby |
The petting zoo |
Happy Fall, friends!