Have you been recently thinking to yourself:
What should I do with all this

now that this
is not outside of every store?!
Well, I've got your solution!
How about taking this
and using it to fill this
for these
who live in orphanages here
Intrigued? Well, as you know (if you've been following our blog for more than one minute :)), we will be traveling to Africa TWICE in 2012 and we'd be more than happy to turn your loose change into infant formula for orphans in Ethiopia.
If you are interested, here's what you need to do:
1. Commit to collecting your change for formula through January.
2. Comment below to let me know that you're in or send me an E-mail at jnchase311 @ yahoo.com (I will keep track of who is participating and then contact you at the end of the month to remind you that the challenge has concluded).
3. Collect your household change through the month (I recommend setting out a bottle or some other symbol of your committment to remind your family of what you are doing).
4. At the end of the month, bring me your change or cash it in and send me a check.
5. We will give your money to a fund Africa which will use every penny to purchase formula for babies at the House of Hope transition home in Ethiopia!!
In case you're wondering (or would just like to donate money for a can or two of formula),
$10 = 1 can of formula in Africa